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Twenty-Fourth Book Wrap Up

October 25, 2012

I would say the video above from the author, Caitlin, describes just fine what “How to be a Woman” is about. Our conversation about it was quite lively last month, though, honestly I do not recall what stood out. So, because I can, I will instead go off on a tangent and write a blog post on how self-esteem is one of the single most important qualities a woman should possess.

“Autoestima” was the word in 5th grade, Self-esteem. I clearly remember that word and it has been an important concept in my life journey. Self-esteem is confidence and satisfaction in oneself, it is accepting and loving our strong and weak points, and of course, is what makes the golden rule an attainable practice rather than an altruistic concept (One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself ). Having a true grasp on self-esteem makes a woman a natural magnet to positive events and attitudes and allows her to face adversity head on without letting it drown her in infinite despair. To truly believe and internalize affirmations such as “You is kind. You is smart. You is important” makes a one, a confident woman.

Feminist, conservative or liberal- womanhood comes with an essence that cannot be confined to a set a beliefs or attitudes. A woman, I feel, should prioritize getting to love and know herself first before asserting attitudes the modern world pushes her to adopt.

Take a moment in front of the mirror every once in a while and internalize whatever words of wisdom that draw positivism and strength–That’s a small step to high self-esteem.

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